####################### Model/3b_calibtrade.gms ####################### Calibrates bilateral trade flows, bilateral transportation costs, prices to minimize deviation with observations for 2000 and at the same time ensures that for the base year of the model (2000): 1. the sum of bilateral trade flows for a region matches with the FAO net trade (after potential adjustments of demand in 3_precompute) = equation h 2. if there is a bilateral trade flow between two regions, the price in the importing region should be equal to the price in the exporting region plus all trade costs (tariff and transportation cost) = equation dx Included files specific to trade calibration: - ``base_trade.gms`` which contains input trade data aggregated from country to GLOBIOM regions and HS6 products to GLOBIOM products - ``comptrade.gms`` - ``calibtrade.gms`` which launches trade calibration procedure product by product - ``calc_nettrade.gms`` which computes the net trade as it should be in the model i.e. based on FAOSTAT after potential demand/supply adjustments from model calibration ******** Includes ******** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 calc_nettrade calc_tuples calibtrade comptrade finaldata/base_trade