Combines all inputs, including the harmonized cropland, irrigated area and statistics, and the scores/priors into a GAMS gdx file that can be used by SPAMc as input. If solve_level = 1, a gdx file for each administrative level 1 unit is created.'
Object of type spam_par
that bundles all SPAM parameters,
including core model folders, alpha-3 country code, year, spatial
resolution, most detailed level at which subnational statistics are
available, administrative unit level at which the model is solved and type of
The gdx file contains a number of sets and parameter tables that
define the model. Sets describe the dimensions of the model, while
parameters contain the data along these dimensions. As part of the process
to combine all the inputs and if relevant, artificial administrative units
are created that represent the combination of all administrative units per
crop for which subnational statistics are missing. These units are added to
the list of administrative units from the subnational statistics. The names
of these units, stored in the adm_area
parameter table, start with the
name of the lower level administrative unit which nests the units with
missing data, followed by ART
and the level for which data is missing and
ending with the crop for which data is not available.
if (FALSE) {