Run the selected model (min_entropy or max_score) and runs it in GAMS. If model_sel = 1, the model is run for each individual administrative unit at level 1. If model_sel = 0 the model is run only once for the total country. Selecting out = TRUE (default setting), the model log will be sent to the screen after the model run is finished. The log is as text file, whicn names starts with model_log_ and is saved in the processed_data/intermediate_output folder. Note that, depending on the size of the country and the selected resolution, the model might take a lot of time to run. If the model is very large, there is a risk your computer runs out of memory and an error message will be printed in the model log.

run_spam(param, out = TRUE)



Object of type spam_par that bundles all SPAM parameters, including core model folders, alpha-3 country code, year, spatial resolution, most detailed level at which subnational statistics are available, administrative unit level at which the model is solved and type of model.


logical; should the GAMS model log be send to the screen as output?


if (FALSE) {
run_spam(param, out = FALSE)