Inspect results and create maps

The package offers to functions to quickly inspect the results, after the model has been run. view_panel() shows crop distribution maps for a selected crop, using a different panel for each farming system. view_stack() shows the same information but stacking the various maps. Both functions plot the maps in the default browser overlaying the country polygon, unless specified otherwise. The visualization is done using leafletjs, which makes it possible to select different background tiles (e.g. OpenStreetMap) to put the data into perspective.

view_panel("rice", var = "ha", param)
view_stack("rice", var = "ha", param)

As it is easier to process and visualize geo-spatial data when the data is saved in tif format, create_all_tif() produces a tif file for each crop - farming-system combination. The tif files are also needed as input to aggregate the data in a format that can be used by GLOBIOM, which is described next.