
A glossary of key terms used in this Training course
Term Abbreviation if any Definition
Allocation Synonym use for process taken by the optimization and the decision variable per zone within a PU. Example: Binary decision is to identify expansion or not. The solver allocates PU to a solution based on complementarity.
Boundary Length Modifier BLM A penalty constant added to a conservation problem that penalizes selecting isolated patches. Results in overall more compact solutions.
CARE CARE A often used abbreviation that stands for Connectivity, Adequacy, Representation, and Effectiveness which key principles that should be considered when designing a conservation network. See the Marxan website for more information.
Conservation Prioritization The computational process of identifying (spatial) priorities for a given conservation objective (such as for identifying protected areas). Usually comes in in the form of a map.
Constraint A (often linear) constant or parameter that limits the selection of certain PU as part of the solution.
Cost c A single or multiple constant typically used in SCP to penalize solutions and any allocation of land to PU.
Exact algorithm A method to solve mathematical optimization problems using a solver.
Feature Spatial data representing the distribution of an individual biodiversity unit, such as a species, habitat, ecosystem service, etc.
Integer In programmatic terms a full number (e.g. -1, 1, 2, 3, …)
Integer Linear Programming ILP Mathematical problem formulation using Linear Programming (ILP) where the variables are integer values and the objective function and equations are linear.
Penalty p In the context of SCP commonly referring to a constant parameter used to penalize solutions. For example a costing or connectivity matrix.
Planning unit PU The fundamental unit at which decisions in SCP are realized. Can be of multiple formats such as grid cells or farms
Solver An algorithm to identify ‘solutions’ to a mathematical problem. Often available as open- or closed-source software.
Systematic Conservation Planning SCP A framework and step-wise approach towards mapping conservation areas. Usually involves multiple steps such as the identification of a problem and the theory of change, data collection and preparation, conservation prioritization, evaluation and finally implementation. See Margules & Pressey (2000)
Zonation A SCP software for creating conservation priority rankings and priority maps and tradeoffs. Uses a meta-heuristic approach and benefit functions for ranking. The latest version is Zonation 5.
Zone Z Zones are spatial or thematic management units over which decisions are made in a SCP problem. Examples: Core zone, Buffer zone and sustainable management zone in a national park.