Rules of thumb:
- Notations used in this FeliX documentation page are self-expressed as much as possible. We use \(Pop\) to represent global population or \(GWP\_per\_Cap\) to represent gross world product per capita. We also use abbreviations for some variables with long name, such as \(GWP\) representing gross world product or \(LE\) representing life expectancy. The full names of abbreviations are spelled out befor defining them.
- Subscriptions are used to represent different values of one singe variable. Examples are \(Pop_{male,\text{“5‒9”}}\) and \(Pop_{female,\text{“45‒49”}}\) represent total population of male at the age between 5‒9 and total population of female at the age between 45‒49, respectively.
- We use underscores to link two or more words in one notation and capitalize the first letter of each word except conjunction (e.g., per, of, on, and etc.) Examples are \(GWP\_per\_Cap\) represents gross world product per capita.
- Predefined functions in Vensim are represented by notations with capitalized letters, such as DELAY1 for the delay function.
- Notations are listed by alphabet. The associated explanations and units (if any) are also listed in this page.
- Please DO NOT hesitate to contact us for further questions and/or suggestions.
Notations | Descriptions of the objective | Unit |
\(age\) | Age cohorts of population, distinguished into 5-year age intervals between the ages of 0 and 100+ | |
\(ALN_{food}\) | Arable land needed by plant-based food category, including pulses, grains, vegetables and fruits, and other crops | Hectare (ha) |
\(Area\_Harv\) | Area harvested by plant-based food including pulses, grains, vegetables and fruits, and other crops | ha |
\(Area\_Irr\) | Agricultural land areas of irrigation | ha |
\(Area\_Rfed\) | Agricultural land areas of rainfed | ha |
\(B\) | Billion | |
\(Bith_{gender}\) | Birth rate by gender | Person/Year |
\(C\_Emis\_Agri\) | Carbon emission rates from agricultural land use change | Ton_C/Year |
\(C\_Emis\_En_{energy}\) | Carbon emission rates from energy production by energy type | Ton_C/Year |
\(C\_Emis\_Frst\) | Carbon emission rates from forest land use change | Ton_C/Year |
\(C\_Emis\_Land\) | Carbon emission rates from total land use change | Ton_C/Year |
\(C\_Int_{energy}\) | Carbon intensity by different energy sources | Ton_C/Mtoe |
\(C\_Int\_Agri\) | Carbon intensity of agricultural land use change | Ton_C/Year |
\(C\_Int\_Frst\) | Carbon intensity of forest land use change | Ton_C/Year |
\(C\_Stk\_Atm\) | Carbon in the atmosphere | Ton_C |
\(C\_Stk\_Biom\) | Carbon in the biomass (e.g., leaves, branches, stems and roots) | Ton_C |
\(C\_Stk\_Ocn\) | Carbon in the mixed ocean layer | Ton_C |
\(C\_Stk\_Soil\) | Carbon in the soil | Ton_C |
\(Cal\_Dem_{food}\) | Annual caloric demand by different food category | kcal/Year |
\(Death_{gender,age}\) | Death rates by gender and age cohort | Person/Year |
\(Death\_Prim_{gender,age}\) | Death rates of primary education graduates by gender and age cohort | Person/Year |
\(Deg\) | Degree | |
\(DELAY1\) | Predefined function in the Vensim software, representing first order exponential delay | |
\(Drght\_Rat\) | Fraction to represent extreme drought event | Dimensionless (Dmnl) |
\(Dur\_Prim\) | Average duration of primary education | Year |
\(Dur\_Sec\) | Average duration of secondary education | Year |
\(Dur\_Tert\) | Average duration of tertiary education | Year |
\(Eff\_Expl\_Inv_{oil}\) | Effective investments in oil exploration | $/Year |
\(Eff\_MS\_Price_{energy}\) | Effects of price on the market share by energy type | Dmnl |
\(En\_Dem\_per\_Cap\) | Energy demand per capita | Mtoe/(Year*Person) |
\(En\_Dem\_per\_Cap\_Max\) | Maximal reference energy demand per capita | Mtoe/(Year*Person) |
\(Enrl\_Prim_{gender,age}\) | Enrollment rate to primary education by gender and age cohort | Person/Year |
\(Enrl\_Sec_{gender,age}\) | Enrollment rate from primary to secondary education by gender and age cohort | Person/Year |
\(Expl_{oil}\) | Annual oil exploration rate | Mtoe/Year |
\(Expl\_Pot_{oil}\) | Potential exploration rate of oil | Mtoe/Year |
\(Expl\_Des_{oil}\) | Desired exploration rate of oil | Mtoe/Year |
\(Fert_{age}\) | Fertility rates by age cohorts | Dmnl |
\(g_{gender}\) | Birth gender fraction, i.e., female infanticide | Dmnl |
\(gender\) | Gender of population, distinguished as male and female | |
\(Gini_{gender,age}\) | Gini coefficient of income per capita by gender and age cohort | Dmnl |
\(Grad\_Prim_{gender,age}\) | Graduation rate from primary education by gender and age | Person/Year |
\(GWP\_per\_Cap\) | Gross world product (GWP) per capita | $/(Person*Year) |
\(Imp\_Biodiv\_on\_GWP\) | Impacts on gross world product (GWP) from biodiversity | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_Biom\_on\_Biodiv\) | Impact on species carrying capacity from forest and crops biomass production | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_CC\_on\_Biodiv\) | Impact on species carrying capacity from climate risk | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_CC\_on\_GWP\) | Impacts on gross world product (GWP) from climate change | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_CC\_on\_LE\) | Impacts on life expectancy from climate change | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_CC\_on\_Mort\) | Impacts on mortality from climate change | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_Edu\_on\_Fert\) | Impact on fertility from education level | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_Fertz\_on\_Biodiv\) | Impact on species carrying capacity from fertilization practices | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_GWP\_on\_En\_Dem\) | Impact on energy demand per capita from wealth (represented by gross world product (GWP) per capita) | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_GWP\_on\_Fert\) | Impact on fertility from wealth (represented by gross world product (GWP) per capita) | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_GWP\_on\_Prim_{gender}\) | Impacts on primary school enrollment from wealth (represented by GWP per capita) | Dmnl |
\(Imp\_Land\_on\_Biodiv\) | Impact on species carrying capacity from land use change | Dmnl |
\(Income\_per\_Cap_{gender,age}\) | Income per capita of population by gender and age cohort | $/(Person*Year) |
\(Intk\_Meat_{food}\) | Annual per-capita intake of plant- and meat-based calories in the meat-based diet. Plant-based calories are from plant-based food of pulses, grains, vegetables and fruits, and other crops while meat-based calories are from animal-based food of pasture-based meat, crop-based meat, dairy, and eggs | kcal/(Person*Year) |
\(Intk\_Veg_{food}\) | Annual per-capita intake of plant-based calories in the vegetarian diet, which are from plant-based food of pulses, grains, vegetables and fruits, and other crops | kcal/(Person*Year) |
\(Intvl\_Dur\) | Age interval duration, of which the value is 5 | Year |
\(K\) | Captial stock | $ |
\(k_{age}\) | Parameter used in the logistic function to estimate age-specific fertility rate | Dmnl |
\(K\_Init\) | Initial capital stock in 1900 | $ |
\(L_{age}\) | Fertility variation by age, a parameter used in the logistic function to estimate age-specific fertility rate | Dmnl |
\(L0_{age}\) | Parameter used in the logistic function to estimate age-specific fertility rate | Dmnl |
\(Land\_Chg\_Agri\) | Ratio of agricultural land area change compared to its initial area in year 1900 | Dmnl |
\(Land\_Chg\_Frst\) | Ratio of forest land area change compared to its initial area in year 1900 | Dmnl |
\(LE\) | Global average life expectancy at birth | Year |
\(LE_{gender,age}\) | Life expectancy by gender and age cohorts | Year |
\(LF_{gender,age,skill}\) | Labor force by gender, age cohorts, and skills (distinguished by skilled and unskilled labor force) | Person |
\(LF\_Input_{gender,age,skill}\) | Labor force input in the economic production by gender, age cohort, and labor force skills | Dmnl |
\(Matur_{gender,age}\) | Maturation rates by gender and age cohorts | Person/Year |
\(Matur\_Prim_{gender,age}\) | Maturation rates of primary education graduates by gender and age cohort | Person/Year |
\(Mort_{gender,age}\) | Mortality fraction by gender and age cohorts | Dmnl |
\(MS_{energy}\) | Market shares by energy type | Dmnl |
\(MS\_Ind_{energy}\) | Indicative market shares by energy type | Dmnl |
\(MS\_Ref_{energy}\) | Reference market share by energy type | Dmnl |
\(MSA\) | Mean species abundance relative to their abundance in undisturbed ecosystems | Dmnl |
\(MYS\) | Mean years of schooling | Year |
\(Norm\_Fert\) | Normal fertility of mature reproductive population | Dmnl |
\(P\) | Total global amount of elemental phosphorus accumulating in the soil | Ton |
\(PEF_{gender}\) | Primary education enrollment fraction by gender | Dmnl |
\(PEG_{gender,age}\) | Primary education graduates by gender and age cohort | Person |
\(PL\) | International extreme poverty line, defined as minimum consumption or income of a person per day | $/(Person*Day) |
\(PR\) | Global poverty rate | % |
\(PR_{gender,age}\) | Poverty rate of population by gender and age cohort | % |
\(Prod_{energy}\) | Annual production of different energy types | Mtoe/Year |
\(Prod_{food}\) | Annual production of different categories of food | Ton/Year |
\(Prod\_Des_{food}\) | Desired production rate by plant-based food, including pulses, grains, vegetables and fruits, and other crops | Ton/Year |
\(Prodvty\_Expl\_Inv_{oil}\) | Productivity of available technologies | toe/$ |
\(Pop_{gender,age}\) | Global total population by gender and age cohort | Person |
\(Pop\_Meat\) | Meat-eating population | Person |
\(Pop\_Veg\) | Vegetarian population | Person |
\(R^2\) | The R square | Dmnl |
\(Real\_Income\_Param_{gender,age}\) | Parameters to adjust the real income by gender and age cohorts | Dmnl |
\(Ref\_PEF_{gender}\) | Maximum possible enrollment fraction, as reference value of primary education enrollment fraction, by gender | Dmnl |
\(REO\) | Global total reference economic output | $/Year |
\(REO_{skill}\) | Reference economic output by labor force skills | $/Year |
\(REO\_Init_{skill}\) | Initial global total reference economic output in 1900, by skills | $/Year |
\(SEG_{gender,age}\) | Secondary education graduates by gender and age cohort | Person |
\(Spec\_Capa\) | Species carrying capacity defined as the equilibrium or maximum sustainable species population | Dmnl |
\(Spec\_Capa\_Max\) | Reference species carrying capacity for year 1900, representing maximum sustained population size | Dmnl |
\(Spec\_Extn\) | Average rate of species extinction | 1/Year |
\(Spec\_Regen\) | Average rate of species regeneration | 1/Year |
SSP2 | Shared socioeconomic pathway 2 | |
\(Tech\) | Technology-related factor productivity | Dmnl |
\(Tech\_En\) | Technology-related factor productivity in energy sectors | Dmnl |
\(Tech\_Oth\) | Technology-related factor productivity in other sectors | Dmnl |
\(TEG_{gender,age}\) | Tertiary education graduates by gender and age cohort | Dmnl |
\(T\_Adj\) | Time to adjust the market share | Year |
\(Tot\_Fert\) | Total fertility of mature reproductive population | Dmnl |
\(Wat\_Avail\_Adj\) | Available water resources adjustment | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Cons\) | Consumption of water from economic sectors | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Drght\) | Water drought out rate representing extreme drought events | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Dem\_Agri\) | Agricultural water demand | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Dem\_Dom\) | Domestic water demand | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Dem\_Ind\) | Industrial water demand | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Int\_Dom\) | Average domestic water demand per capita | \(m^3\)/(Year*Person) |
\(Wat\_Int\_Irr\) | Average agricultural water use per square agricultural land areas of irrigation | \(m^3\)/(\(m^2\)*Year) |
\(Wat\_Int\_Rfed\) | Average agricultural water use per square agricultural land areas of rainfed | \(m^3\)/(\(m^2\)*Year) |
\(Wat\_Recov\) | Water recovery rate of used water resources by economic sectors | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Sup\) | Water supply rate of freshwater and non-conventional water | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Sup\_Fulf\) | Water supply fulfillment rate | Dmnl |
\(Wat\_Use\) | Total used water resources | \(m^3\) |
\(Wat\_Withd\_Agri\) | Water withdrawal rate by the agricultural sector | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Withd\_Dom\) | Water withdrawal rate by the domestic sector | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Withd\_Fulf\) | Water withdrawal fulfillment rate | Dmnl |
\(Wat\_Withd\_Ind\) | Water withdrawal rate by the industrial sector | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(Wat\_Withd\_Max\) | Max possible water withdrawal rate due to available water resources | \(m^3\)/Year |
\(x0_{age}\) | Parameter used in the logistic function to estimate age-specific fertility rate | Dmnl |
\(Yield_{food}\) | Crop yield by plant-based food including pulses, grains, vegetables and fruits, and other crops | Ton/(Year*ha) |
\(Yield\_Exp_{food}\) | Expected crop yield by plant-based food including pulses, grains, vegetables and fruits, and other crops | Ton/(Year*ha) |
\(\delta_{gender,age}\) | The standard deviation of the log-normal distribution function of the income per capita | Dmnl |
\(\mu_{gender,age}\) | The mean value of the log-normal distribution function of the income per capita | $/(Person*Year) |
\(\varphi_{gender,age}\) | Ratio of life expectancy to life expectancy at birth by gender and age cohort | Dmnl |
\(\varphi\_K_{skill}\) | Ratio of capital allocated to the labor force, by skills | Dmnl |
\(\varphi\_Tech_{skill}\) | Ratio of technology allocated to the labor force, by skills | Dmnl |