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Add dispersal constraint to an existing scenario


add_constraint_dispersal(mod, method, value = NULL, type = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for BiodiversityScenario
add_constraint_dispersal(mod, method, value = NULL, type = NULL, ...)



A BiodiversityScenario object with specified predictors.


A character indicating the type of constraints to be added to the scenario. See details for more information.


For many dispersal "constrain" this is set as numeric value specifying a fixed constrain or constant in units "m" (Default: NULL). For kissmig the value needs to give the number of iteration steps (or within year migration steps). For adaptability constraints this parameter specifies the extent (in units of standard deviation) to which extrapolations should be performed.


A character indicating the type used in the method. See for instance `kissmig`.


passed on parameters. See also the specific methods for adding constraints.


The following additional parameters can bet set:

  • pext: numeric indicator for `kissmig` of the probability a colonized cell becomes uncolonised, i.e., the species gets locally extinct (Default: 0.1).

  • pcor: numeric probability that corner cells are considered in the 3x3 neighbourhood (Default: 0.2).