This function trains a distribution()
model with the specified
engine and furthermore has some generic options that apply to all engines
(regardless of type). See Details with regards to such options.
Users are advised to check the help files for individual engines for advice on how the estimation is being done.
filter_predictors = "none",
optim_hyperparam = FALSE,
inference_only = FALSE,
only_linear = TRUE,
method_integration = "predictor",
keep_models = TRUE,
aggregate_observations = TRUE,
clamp = FALSE,
verbose = getOption("ibis.setupmessages", default = TRUE),
# S4 method for class 'BiodiversityDistribution'
filter_predictors = "none",
optim_hyperparam = FALSE,
inference_only = FALSE,
only_linear = TRUE,
method_integration = "predictor",
keep_models = TRUE,
aggregate_observations = TRUE,
clamp = TRUE,
verbose = getOption("ibis.setupmessages", default = TRUE),
- x
) object).- runname
name of the trained run.- filter_predictors
defining if and how highly correlated predictors are to be removed prior to any model estimation. Available options are:"none"
No prior variable removal is performed (Default)."pearson"
Makes use of pairwise comparisons to identify and remove highly collinear predictors (Pearson'sr >= 0.7
A-priori adaptive best subset selection of covariates via the"abess"
package (see References). Note that this effectively fits a separate generalized linear model to reduce the number of covariates."boruta"
Uses the"Boruta"
package to identify non-informative features.
- optim_hyperparam
Parameter to tune the model by iterating over input parameters or selection of predictors included in each iteration. Can be set to
if extra precision is needed (Default:FALSE
).- inference_only
By default the engine is used to create a spatial prediction of the suitability surface, which can take time. If only inferences of the strength of relationship between covariates and observations are required, this parameter can be set to
to ignore any spatial projection (Default:FALSE
).- only_linear
Fit model only on linear baselearners and functions. Depending on the engine setting this option to
will result in non-linear relationships between observations and covariates, often increasing processing time (Default:TRUE
). How non-linearity is captured depends on the used engine.- method_integration
with the type of integration that should be applied if more than oneBiodiversityDataset
object is provided inx
. Particular relevant for engines that do not support the integration of more than one dataset. Integration methods are generally sensitive to the order in which they have been added to theBiodiversityDistribution
object. Available options are:"predictor"
The predicted output of the first (or previously fitted) models are added to the predictor stack and thus are predictors for subsequent models (Default)."offset"
The predicted output of the first (or previously fitted) models are added as spatial offsets to subsequent models. Offsets are back-transformed depending on the model family. This option might not be supported for everyEngine
Instead of fitting several separate models, the observations from each dataset are combined and incorporated in the prediction as a factor interaction with the "weaker" data source being partialed out during prediction. Here the first dataset added determines the reference level (see Leung et al. 2019 for a description)."prior"
In this option we only make use of the coefficients from a previous model to define priors to be used in the next model. Might not work with any engine!"weight"
This option only works for multiple biodiversity datasets with the same type (e.g."poipo"
). Individual weight multipliers can be determined while setting up the model (Note: Default is 1). Datasets are then combined for estimation and weighted respectively, thus giving for example presence-only records less weight than survey records. Note that this parameter is ignored for engines that support joint likelihood estimation.
- keep_models
if true andmethod_integration = "predictor"
, all models are stored in the.internal
list of the model object.- aggregate_observations
on whether observations covering the same grid cell should be aggregated (Default:TRUE
).- clamp
whether predictions should be clamped to the range of predictor values observed during model fitting (Default:FALSE
).- verbose
Setting this
value toTRUE
prints out further information during the model fitting (Default:FALSE
).- ...
further arguments passed on.
A DistributionModel object.
This function acts as a generic training function that - based on the
provided BiodiversityDistribution
object creates a new distribution model.
The resulting object contains both a "fit_best"
object of the estimated
model and, if inference_only
a SpatRaster object named
that contains the spatial prediction of the model. These
objects can be requested via object$get_data("fit_best")
Other parameters in this function:
The parameter can be set to various options to remove highly correlated variables or those with little additional information gain from the model prior to any estimation. Available options are"none"
for applying a0.7
correlation cutoff,"abess"
for the regularization framework by Zhu et al. (2020), or"RF"
for removing the least important variables according to a randomForest model. Note: This function is only applied on predictors for which no prior has been provided (e.g. potentially non-informative ones)."optim_hyperparam"
This option allows to make use of hyper-parameter search for several models, which can improve prediction accuracy although through the a substantial increase in computational cost."method_integration"
Only relevant if more than oneBiodiversityDataset
is supplied and when the engine does not support joint integration of likelihoods. See also Miller et al. (2019) in the references for more details on different types of integration. Of course, if users want more control about this aspect, another option is to fit separate models and make use of the add_offset, add_offset_range and ensemble functionalities."clamp"
Boolean parameter to support a clamping of the projection predictors to the range of values observed during model training.
There are no silver bullets in (correlative) species distribution modelling and for each model the analyst has to understand the objective, workflow and parameters than can be used to modify the outcomes. Different predictions can be obtained from the same data and parameters and not all necessarily make sense or are useful.
Miller, D.A.W., Pacifici, K., Sanderlin, J.S., Reich, B.J., 2019. The recent past and promising future for data integration methods to estimate species’ distributions. Methods Ecol. Evol. 10, 22–37.
Zhu, J., Wen, C., Zhu, J., Zhang, H., & Wang, X. (2020). A polynomial algorithm for best-subset selection problem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(52), 33117-33123.
Leung, B., Hudgins, E. J., Potapova, A. & Ruiz‐Jaen, M. C. A new baseline for countrywide α‐diversity and species distributions: illustration using >6,000 plant species in Panama. Ecol. Appl. 29, 1–13 (2019).
# Load example data
background <- terra::rast(system.file('extdata/europegrid_50km.tif',
package='ibis.iSDM',mustWork = TRUE))
# Get test species
virtual_points <- sf::st_read(system.file('extdata/input_data.gpkg',
package='ibis.iSDM',mustWork = TRUE),'points',quiet = TRUE)
# Get list of test predictors
ll <- list.files(system.file('extdata/predictors/', package = 'ibis.iSDM',
mustWork = TRUE),full.names = TRUE)
# Load them as rasters
predictors <- terra::rast(ll);names(predictors) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(ll))
# Use a basic GLM to fit a SDM
x <- distribution(background) |>
# Presence-only data
add_biodiversity_poipo(virtual_points, field_occurrence = "Observed") |>
# Add predictors and scale them
add_predictors(env = predictors, transform = "scale", derivates = "none") |>
# Use GLM as engine
#> [Setup] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.545983 | Creating distribution object...
#> [Setup] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.546965 | Adding poipo dataset...
#> [Setup] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.623574 | Adding predictors...
#> [Setup] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.62939 | Transforming predictors...
# Train the model, Also filter out co-linear predictors using a pearson threshold
mod <- train(x, only_linear = TRUE, filter_predictors = 'pearson')
#> [Estimation] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.675621 | Collecting input parameters.
#> [Estimation] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.718446 | Filtering predictors via pearson...
#> [Estimation] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.724974 | Adding engine-specific parameters.
#> [Estimation] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.730451 | Engine setup.
#> [Estimation] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.858516 | Starting fitting: 5d97a5fb
#> [Estimation] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.893007 | Starting prediction...
#> [Done] 2025-02-05 12:42:01.951563 | Completed after 0.27 secs
#> Trained GLM-Model (Unnamed run)
#> Strongest summary effects:
#> Positive: CLC3_112_mean_50km, CLC3_132_mean_50km, CLC3_211_mean_50km, ... (7)
#> Negative: aspect_mean_50km, bio03_mean_50km, slope_mean_50km (3)
#> Prediction fitted: yes